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Gibran Rakabuming Raka, a vice presidential candidate in Indonesia, has announced his plans to create more blockchain and crypto experts in the country. Rakabuming Raka aims to boost tech education, providing more opportunities for young people, including in the field of digital assets.

Indonesia currently ranks as the seventh country in the world in terms of crypto adoption, with an estimated 18 million crypto investors. The country also has a powerful industry association that serves as a self-regulatory body for the crypto industry. President Joko Widodo’s government has been leveraging the interest in crypto to generate revenue and interest in the country.

Presidential elections and the focus on crypto

The upcoming presidential elections in Indonesia are scheduled to begin on February 14th. Rakabuming Raka’s focus on crypto reflects his vision to position Indonesia at the forefront of the global digital revolution. Other political candidates, including Prabowo Subianto, are also expected to address the topic of crypto in the upcoming political debate on February 4th. Subianto and Rakabuming Raka are considered frontrunners in the election.

The decision by the Constitutional Court to allow Rakabuming Raka to run for office despite not meeting the minimum age requirement of 40 has sparked debate and criticism. However, with his emphasis on expanding tech education and fostering expertise in blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Rakabuming Raka hopes to resonate with the younger generation and those who recognize the potential of the digital asset industry.

The implications for Indonesia’s economy and technology sector

The creation of more blockchain and crypto experts in Indonesia could have significant implications for the country’s economy and technology sector. By nurturing a skilled workforce in the crypto space, Indonesia could attract more investments and develop innovative solutions in this emerging field. It also highlights the growing recognition of the importance of digital assets in the global economy.

With Indonesia ranking seventh globally in terms of crypto adoption, this emphasis reflects Rakabuming Raka’s goal of positioning the country at the forefront of the digital revolution. As the presidential elections draw near, the attention given to the crypto industry by political candidates indicates its growing significance in Indonesia’s economic and technological landscape.

By Rajesh

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